Trying to find a good guide for Cinque Terre can be daunting. How do you know what you are getting when you make a booking? Price and value are always the dominating factors. We see many tour companies rushing through Cinque Terre with 30-50 people being herded like cattle and being told that they have 25 minutes to spend in each town. There is no value in that. You will take some pictures and never really know what you were seeing.
Cinque Terre is a magical place with vast amounts of history on its shoulders that can still be seen and experienced today. But you need to know what you are looking at. Our tours are personal and that means it is just YOU. One-on-one, or however many are in your group. We will guide you every step of the way. It is no wonder we were voted Best guide in Cinque Terre by our customers.
There is a lot to know, not just historical facts and tales but also valuable information about train times, prices, strikes, safety and more. Make sure you you hire the right guide so that you can have an experience of a lifetime.